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  • What does half-day and full-day bike rental correspond to?
    You have up to 4 hours of half-day availability and up to 8 hours of full-day availability with the rental bike. It depends on the departure time.
  • Do we have to book in advance?
    Yes, it is better to book in advance (especially in high season) in order to be sure to have bikes on your arrival with the corresponding size. In addition, it allows you not to have to wait since I define a time slot with you for personalized service.
  • Puis-je être remboursé si j'annule ma réservation ?
    Vous avez la possibilité d'être remboursé à hauteur de 50% de votre acompte si vous annulez 15 jours à l'avance. Pour les annulations moins de 15 jours avant la date prévue de votre réservation, cela donne lieu à aucun remboursement.
  • What do I need to provide for renting a bike?
    You must have a valid identity document in your name which is kept by Vel'honfleur during your bike ride (identity card, passport, driving licence) You also have a rental contract to complete and you must have civil liability insurance like anyone traveling on the street on foot or by bicycle.
  • Do you have any itineraries for us?
    Vel'honfleur offers you different secure routes according to your desires, the number of kilometers you want to do, the level of difficulty, etc... In addition, the routes that are proposed to you are all well marked so as not to get lost in nature!
  • Les tarifs dégressifs sont-ils valables toute l'année ?
    Lors de la location d'un vélo mécanique ou électrique, à partir de 2 jours de location, vous bénéficiez d'un tarif dégressif (voir page "location et tarifs"). Ces tarifs dégressifs sont valables du 1er février au 11 novembre.
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